The custom of Leidinos in Aegina | One Day Cruise

The custom of Leidinos in Aegina

The custom of Leidinos, is a unique custom of Aegina that symbolizes the end of summer and summer jobs in the fields. It also symbolizes the passage in autumn and winter. Every year on September 14, on the day of the Cross, this custom is revived in the village of Kypseli, through a special theatrical event. It is accompanied by a lot of dancing and singing.

The Aegean linguistic idiom of Leidino or Dili was a small meal that the Aeginians took in dili. That is in the evening. It was simple food and included some cheese or olives, garlic, buns and wine. It was especially necessary for workers who worked continuously in the fields from mid-March until September 14.

The story behind Leidino's tradition

According to the custom of Leidinos, the women of the village gathered and manufactured a male model whose appearance showed a young peasant. After lying down at a table, they were singing "My Ledine". After the mourning, they put the dead man on a door adorned with flowers and went to bury him. They formed a procession and took the "dead Leidino" and buried him in a pit. They then took the deceased's body. Then they shouted "Resurrection of Leiden". In the evening, they distributed barley buns, wine and many other appetizers throughout the village, which flowed with the traditional songs of Aegina.

The custom ceased in Kypseli where it was,n 1994, in collaboration with the Kypseli Cultural Association. Therefore, a visit to Aegina on September 14th is a must in order to experience the experience of such a special custom!


Tags: Aegina, Culture, Theatrical event, Custom, Greek customs